Rainbow Fund supports small LGBT groups in the Spring Grants Round.
In the spring grants round the Rainbow Fund has been able to support a range of LGBT/HIV groups, including three trans* organisations working to build confidence within the local trans* community, two organisations providing frontline services to people with HIV, two projects providing BSL signers to help members of the LGBT deaf community engage with arts events and funding for the LGBT Community Safety Forum to promote their core services to the LGBT+ community in the city.
Priority was given in this grants round to small LGBT organisations with no paid workers.
? The LGBT Small Groups Network awarded £192 to pay for hire of meeting space, training and development sessions.
? Brighton and Hove LGBT Community Safety Forum awarded £3,000 towards running costs – specifically costs of 3 telephone lines, and advertising the services they provide.
? Trans Pride awarded £2,500 towards the costs of staging Trans Pride 2015 in Dorset Gardens on the weekend of July 24,25 & 26.
? Trans Alliance awarded £1,800 towards singing workshops for Trans people. There is increasing evidence of a link between regular singing and improved mental health achieved through improved self-esteem, confidence and the discipline of regular practice and breathing techniques. In addition mental health is improved by diazepam and engaging in social activities such as joining a choir which provides a supportive environment as well as an opportunity to make new friends.
? The Clare Project awarded £3,000 part funding for a project which allows for trans individuals to gain both work experience and skills in facilitation, listening and counselling skills creating a cache of qualified and experienced individuals within the trans community itself.
? Queer in Brighton awarded £800 to organise a BSL signer in the Brighton Pride literature tent and workshops in the run up to Pride
? Peer Action awarded £1050 for setting up and advertising initiatives to make group therapies sessions accessible to individuals who may be hard to reach, or feel excluded, for instance women, gay male elders, trans and/or disabled.
? Rainbow Families awarded £3,000 towards an oral history project to raise their profile and learn from the organisations 20 years work since opening.
? Lunch positive awarded £2,500 to deliver core services between April 1, 2015 – August 1, 2015. This will enable Lunch Positive to run 18 weekly lunch club sessions, supporting a weekly average of 55 service users and involving 37 volunteers.
? Short and Girlie Productions awarded £160 for provision of an BSL signer for two performances of their Short and Girlie Show at the Verdict during the Brighton Fringe Festival in May.
Chris Gull, chair of the Rainbow Fund said: “In the Spring grants round we prioritised the work of volunteer led smaller LGBT groups and organisations. During the next 12 months government cuts will affect all voluntary sector groups, but it is vital that our smaller organisations, many without any reserves, who provide such vital services are supported as much as possible through this difficult period.”
TOTAL grants agreed for the Spring funding round: £18,002