The Brighton Rainbow Fund grants made during the Autumn 2017/18 funding round:
- Accessibility Matters – £1,800 towards core funding.
- Allsorts Youth Project – £5,000 towards continued support for Transformers (Trans Youth Group 16-25) and One to One support.
- Brighton Gems – £1,725 towards core funding including venue hire for two meetings a month.
- Brighton & Hove LGBT Switchboard – £11,725 for The Rainbow Café – a project to reduce isolation for LGBT+ people living with dementia, their families and carers.
- Clare Project – £5,000 towards One to One Counselling Project for trans people in conjunction with Clinic T.
- LGBT Community Safety Forum – £29,147 towards cost of four public meetings a year to hold statutory authorities to account on behalf of our communities; a one-off purchase of two scooters to allow volunteers to respond more quickly to over 500 call outs per year for their 24/7 outreach service and continued support for the Next Step Project to help 50 LGBT+ people move on, into employment, training, and volunteering opportunities.
- Lunch Positive – £8,082 for core funding, and continuing support for weekly lunch club to provide information, social inclusion, and a healthy meal for people living with, or affected by, HIV.
- MindOut – £14,989 for continued support for Out of the Blue suicide prevention peer support group, facilitation of an open, weekly, social support group and part funding for a new LGBTQ+ counselling service.
- Older and Out – £5.270 for continuing support for monthly lunch club for LGBT+ elders.
- Peer Action – £7,300 for core funding and continued support for monthly therapy days and weekly yoga sessions.
- Rainbow Chorus – £7,150 towards core funding and continued support for the RC+ project.
- Sussex Beacon – £7,500 towards part funding for group work.
- Trans Alliance – £5,000 for production of high quality video to be used in trans awareness training.
- Whitehawk LGBT+ Support Group – £1,000 seed funding to assist through early stages of setting up and constituting a new LGBT+ group for East Brighton.