The Brighton Rainbow Fund provides needs-led grant-based funding to Brighton & Hove-based LGBT volunteer-run groups, providing frontline services in/for:
- HIV/Aids
- Community safety
- Health
- Community development
Funding will not be made available for:
- Groups who cannot demonstrate that they are led, constituted or run predominately for, or by, the LGBT/HIV community
- Projects not considered frontline or not available on a city-wide basis
- Events
- Overseas trips
- Replacement of statutory funding
- Individuals
- Groups that fundraise for other charities /projects
Deadlines for applications will be advertised on this website on a regular basis, with details of how to apply.
Innovation and Community Strengthening Fund. This is the BRF´s main funding programme–this funding stream is available to support the development of new initiatives or projects that seek to meet community needs in new and transformative ways. Projects should be designed to meet currently unmet or poorly understood issues or could be new and potentially better ways in which to respond to community concerns that are already well understood, or to address needs identified by a needs assessment.
Maximum grant £7,500
Requirements specific Bank account. Projects must specifically benefit LGBTQ+ individuals and communities in B&H , and those living with HIV in Brighton & Hove.
Annual Funding Round for projects to start 1st October. The 2023 Application window is now open, and will close at 5pm on 20th September, applicant meetings with the grant panel will happen soon afterwards, and decisions made and announced shortly afterwards for funding year 1st October 2023.
Application via online form, followed by an interview with the grants panel. This will be a hybrid meeting, with applicants invited to meet at The Ledward Centre, or by Zoom.
Monitoring quarterly reports.
Listing on The Rainbow Hub Website if offering a service.
Work with BRF to identify other funding opportunities
Apply for Innovation and Community Strengthening Fund here >>
Grass Roots Community Fund – a classic community grants program to support either a community group or a specific community project. Applications restricted to small community groups without staff.
Maximum grant £1000 in any 12 month period.
Requirements specific Bank account. Volunteer led. Benefit specifically to LGBTQ+ individuals in Sussex.
Always open
Monitoring. Report at end of 12 month grant period.
Listing on The Rainbow Hub Website if a service is offered.
Work with RF to identify other funding opportunities.
Apply for Grass Roots Fund here >>
Meet Fund – continuation of our programme to encourage LGBTQ+ specific meet up groups as one way of addressing social isolation and loneliness in our local LGBTQ+ communities.
Maximum grant £250 in any 12 month period.
Requirements Benefit specifically to LGBTQ+ individuals in Sussex.
Always open
Sussex wide
Monitoring. Report at end of 12 month grant period.
Conditions .
Listing on The Rainbow Hub Website
Apply for Meet Fund here >>
Bursary Fund – aimed at LGBTQ+ specific Sports and Social activity groups, to address social isolation, loneliness, and access to healthy activities. Groups can apply to register to create a bursary Fund, to be held by the RF. It is up to each group to create their own criteria to decide when an individual could benefit from the group’s bursary fund.
Maximum grant £1000 in any 12 month period.
Requirements specific Bank account. No staff. Benefit specifically to LGBTQ+ individuals in Brighton and Hove.
Always open
Restricted to B&H based groups and organisations.
Application. Once registered a phone call followed by an email will suffice. From the registered group, not the individual.
Monitoring. A report three months from any withdrawal from the Bursary Fund, detailing what was paid for, and a short testimonial from the individual ( anonymised) about the benefits they are gaining from membership of the group.
Listing on The Rainbow Hub Website.
Work with RF to identify other funding opportunities.
Apply for Bursary Fund here >>