Allsorts £15,300
LGBT+ Youth work
Trans Specific work
Blueprint 22 £6,200
Lesbian Visibility Project
Blueprint 22 £10,800
LGBT emotional support and wellbeing project
The Sussex Beacon £10,500
Positive Living Programme
Latest CIC £9500
With Longhill School
Blatchington Mill School
Peacehaven School
Hove Park School
Continuation of project to work with pupils on LGBT relevant programming for broadcast
Radio Reverb £2000
Continued Support for The HIV Hour
Peer Action £6750
Well being, Therapy and Yoga sessions for people with HIV
Lunch Positive Lunch Club £9570
Continued support for weekly Lunch Club for people with HIV
Lunch Positive 50+ supper club £3100
Support for new project for older people with HIV
MenTalkHealth £6000
Continued support for community development in the Brighton & Hove area
Mindout £10,000
Continued support for Counselling Project
Mindout £6,000
Continued support for the Out of the Blue project and Peer support group
QTIPOC Narratives £7,500
Kickstart development of QTIPoC mental health support services in B&H
Clare Project £1,700
Core funding
Clare Project £16,000
Continuation of Capacity building
Clare Project £8.500
Continuation of support for weekly drop in service
Switchboard £9,600
Continuation of support for Grief Encounters, LGBTQ+ bereavement service
Switchboard £10,000
Seed funding to scope potential for LGBTQ+ Befriending service
Switchboard £11,680
Continuation of support for Rainbow Dementia Cafe
Older and Out £6,600
Continuation of support for Monthly Lunch Club for Older LGBTQ+ people
Radical Rhizomes Project £10,000
Delivery of 12 monthly meet ups for this established social network run by and for QTIPoC.