Rainbow Fund invites applications for grants from Brighton and Hove groups and organisations who provide services to our LGBT and HIV communities.
Preference will be given to groups and organisations that are LGBT and volunteer led.
Chris Gull, Chair of The Rainbow Fund, said: “This year we are not imposing a maximum on the value of the grants applied for, nor on the number of applications that any group or organisation can make. We’re expecting that this may allow more innovation, and needs led projects to be suggested. The independent grants panel, who are the ones that assess the applications and advise us, will be looking for value for money, as well as quality of projects.
Organisations who are members of the LGBT Small Groups – Working to Connect network may also apply for grants toward their core costs, up to a maximum of £2,000 per year.
Application forms can be found on the Rainbow Fund website.
To download an application form, click here:
The closing date for applications is Friday, August 5 at 6pm. The grants panel will meet the following week, follow-up queries raised at the grants panel meeting over the following two weeks, and make final decisions by the end of August.
Cheques will be issued to the successful applicants at the beginning of September.
In making their decision, the grants panel will have access to responses from the Community Consultation Survey which The Rainbow Fund has launched today.
To fill in Community Consultation Survey, click here: