Brighton Rainbow Fund announce new funding round and new funding opportunities for local LGBT+ projects.
THE Brighton Rainbow Fund distributes money raised throughout the year from Community Fundraising by Brighton Pride, Bear-Patrol, Brighton Bear Weekend, LGBT+ venues, other businesses, individual donors, and collection tins around the city.
The Annual Grants Round is now open for applications. As in previous years, there is no upper limit on the amount that can be applied for, or the number of projects from any organisation.
Funds are not limitless however and applications must show evidence of need for, and benefit from, the services that are seeking support.
Applications must be received by August 31, and applicants will be invited to discuss their projects with the Independent Grants Panel in early September, with decisions being made and announced soon after.
Chris Gull, Chair of Trustees of The Charity said: “We are looking forward to hearing about ways that the money raised by the hard work of LGBT+ communities’ volunteers and businesses, and from donations, can be distributed to support the valuable work done by our local projects which benefits those in our communities who face the challenges that being LGBT+ can bring.
Apart from their well established Annual Funding Round they are also announcing three new initiatives aimed at addressing the scourge of social isolation and loneliness that particularly affects our LGBT+ communities.
All three will be open for applications at all times, and also Sussex wide.”
Grass Roots Community Fund
Seed funding for new volunteer led LGBT+ projects, groups and organisations with no paid staff. Applications Up to £1000. Fund
Up to £250 a year. To encourage LGBT+ specific meet up groups to do, gardening,
knitting, theatre, The sky is the limit!
Bursary Fund
To encourage membership of LGBT+ sports and social groups. Any such group can apply to register a Bursary Fund of up to £1,000 per year with the fund, and can drawer on this to make it possible for individuals who have financial barriers to engaging fully in their activities to do so. Examples are allowing a discount on membership fees, buying kit or equipment, contributing to costs of joining in tours..
For details of criteria for any application, together with on-line application forms, click here: