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The Brighton Rainbow Fund – Giving Grants to LGBT/ HIV / Gay Organisation in Brighton & Hove
Here to Help LGBT Organisations
Make a Donation
Apply For a Grant
Apply for a Grant
Recent Grants
Grants awarded 2019/20
Grants awarded 2018/19
Grants awarded 2017-18
Grants awarded 2016-17
Grants awarded 2015-16
Grants awarded 2014-15
Grants awarded 2013-14
Fundraising Guidelines
Where Does The Fundraising Money Go?
Apply for a Grant
Recent Grants
Grants awarded 2019/20
Grants awarded 2018/19
Grants awarded 2017-18
Grants awarded 2016-17
Grants awarded 2015-16
Grants awarded 2014-15
Grants awarded 2013-14
Fundraising Guidelines
Where Does The Fundraising Money Go?
Grass Root
Grass Roots Community Fund
Funding Criteria
For details of funding criteria please refer to question 5
Q1 - Contact Details
Name of Organisation:
Post code:
Telephone number:
Email Address (email confirmation will be sent to this address)
Name of main contact person:
Q2 - What type of organisation are you?
Please tick/ select just one
Registered Charity - Number
Community Group/Club/Society
Not for profit Group – Number if applicable:
Community Interest Company – Number:
Q3 - When was your group/organisation founded?
Q4 - What does your group/organisation do (its overall purpose)?
Q5 - Please confirm that your project meets the following criteria for applicants to this fund
The organisation has a bank account in its name ( i.e. not an individual)
The organisation is volunteer led
The organisation has no paid staff
The beneficiaries of the project will ALL be LGBTQ+ individuals living in Sussex
Q6 - Amount applied for (Please note Maximum grant from this Fund is £1000)
Q7 - Describe the project/service for which you are applying and what you will do with the funds.
Q8 - Please provide evidence of need for this service or project
Q9 - How much will your project or service cost in total?
Q10 - Are you are applying to other sources for funding this project?
Q11 - Please provide a breakdown of the total budget showing how the money from The Rainbow Fund will be used:
Q12 - Please add any further information to support your application
By completing this application, I declare that:
1.I am authorised to make an application on behalf of the above organisation
2.I certify that the information contained in this application is correct
3.If the information in this application changes in any way I will inform The Rainbow Fund
4.If a grant offer is made, with or without conditions, I understand that a formal reply ( by e-mail), accepting the offer and any conditions, is required
5.I give permission for The Rainbow Fund to publicise the amount funded and the project covered on our website and in the local LGBT media
6.I give permission for The Rainbow Fund to record the details of my organisation electronically and to contact my organisation by phone, mail or email with information about its activities and funding opportunities
7.I agree to provide details of actual expenditure, and an outcomes report, quarterly on request.
Full Name
DD slash MM slash YYYY
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